Dr Karen Milbourne Retires as Chairman of Area 12

Dr Karen Milbourne stepped down as Chairman at the Area AGM on Saturday 15th November.  Miss Emma Brown was appointed as Chairman.  The Committee and Members thanked the out-going Chairman for all her hard work since taking on the position in 2004 and wish her well for the future.


Get Out Aside 2020 Challenge

Sadly, it looks like this years showing season is over before it’s begun, so the committee have been putting their heads together to think of new ways to have fun and compete side saddle. Area 12 would like to introduce the Area 12 ‘Get out Aside’ 2020 Challenge.   Click HERE for the full details […]

Area 12 Summer Show

We hope to see you all at the Summer Show on Sunday 28th May.  Have booked sunny weather.  A Newsletter is making it’s way very shortly to Area Members which gives an update on what’s been happening in the region. Do let us have any news or information that you would like to share at […]

Coloured Cob Equestrian Centre Hosts Side Saddle Display

The Coloured Cob Equestrian Centre invites you to a fantastic night on 15th April at the Centre with an awe-inspiring side saddle demonstration from Hazel and Lauren Allin. Each year Hazel very kindly brings her beautiful horses and the atmosphere is fun and electric. There will be a demonstration from Hazel and then you can […]