Please be aware the selling/trading of goods unless via an authorised trade stand IS NOT PERMITTED and anyone found to be selling/trading goods from their horsebox or car may be asked to leave. Such unauthorised trading is also unfair on the legitimate Trade Stands who have paid for their Trade Stand space.

Five Pits Horsewatch Have A Go Day

Thank you to Emma Brown, Nigel and Sally McKenna, Mary Tonks, Kerry Harrison and Yvonne Bacon for their help and assistance today. 11 very happy ‘riders’ and one new junior possible member.  

Well Done To All Area 12 Competitors at Nationals

The results and super photos and videos have been doing the rounds on social media of our Members successes.  Hope to include in the next Newsletter too. Well done to everyone, a great weekend.

Update on our Chairman

A message from the Side Saddle Secretary to update us on our Chairman Janet Senior. “Janet has asked that she still receives no direct communication for the time being as she needs to rest and has good days and bad days. She had a setback this week when she went in for her appointment and […]