Leicestershire County Show Is Back

A wide range of horse and pony classes is being scheduled for this newly-reformed show, to be held in Market Harborough on 27th August.  The schedule is currently being finalised and will be circulated.  It is hopeful that side saddle classes will also be included.

What a lovely day!

What a great turnout at the Summer Show on Sunday 29th May from Area members and visitors.  Most of the classes were really well supported, nudging double figures in one or two of them.  We hope you liked the layout and format for the day, including the chance to win a prize in the lunch-time […]

Racenight Tickets… Don’t forget to buy your tickets

If any Member is wanting tickets for the Racenight being organised by Area 12 in October, to raise funds for the Area, please get in touch with Nigel McKenna ASAP as these tickets are now being offered to the wider public and you may miss out! Thank you.

Get Out Aside 2020 Challenge

Sadly, it looks like this years showing season is over before it’s begun, so the committee have been putting their heads together to think of new ways to have fun and compete side saddle. Area 12 would like to introduce the Area 12 ‘Get out Aside’ 2020 Challenge.   Click HERE for the full details […]