Area 12 Summer Show

We hope to see you all at the Summer Show on Sunday 28th May.  Have booked sunny weather.  A Newsletter is making it’s way very shortly to Area Members which gives an update on what’s been happening in the region.

Do let us have any news or information that you would like to share at any time.  Please email [email protected]


Please be aware the selling/trading of goods unless via an authorised trade stand IS NOT PERMITTED and anyone found to be selling/trading goods from their horsebox or car may be asked to leave. Such unauthorised trading is also unfair on the legitimate Trade Stands who have paid for their Trade Stand space.

2017 Dates Are Here!

The dates for Side Saddle shows being held in the Area 12 region have now been added to the Schedules page.  The show schedules will also be added very soon.  Thank you for your patience.